March Newsletter

Hi Everyone! Bertha here – I am getting to write the newsletter this month as Sally says I’m so lazy that I need something extra to do with my time! I spend most of my day asleep in the field, although I do have to be brought in and do a bit of work occasionally ☺ Sometimes it takes a good 5 – 10 minutes to make me get up if I have been having a particularly good sleep! I have been at ARC for over 18 months now and I’m working away well in my training – Lee who is a member has been riding me regularly so I learn the ropes and I am getting there slowly. Sally hopes that eventually I will be a good horse for novice/intermediate adults and teenagers to ride, but it’s always just a case of waiting to see how I end up after my training. 


We are hosting two BHS Stage 1 assessments on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th March. It’s our first BHS assessment for fifteen years so we’ll all be working hard to make sure it runs smoothly! We haven’t held BHS assessments for a long time as previously, the BHS paid in the region of £300 for a Stage 1, but they wanted the facility for the whole day, which meant we had to cancel lessons (which bring in a lot more than £300) so it made no financial sense. However the BHS recently upgraded all their assessment timetables, meaning that now the assessments can finish at 3p.m and have less candidates so we can run some lessons afterwards. It still in effect “costs” us to do it, as we lose income overall, but as ARC is meant to

make the sport accessible, we figure that we should have a few assessments each year to ensure people can access assessments in the North East, as we are the only assessment centre. Good luck to many of our members who have completed the training course and are sitting the assessment, and of course Ellis and Liam who are doing it too – their first career assessment on the ladder! 


Have you got your tickets yet? Our annual fundraiser is on Saturday 30th March at the Holburn Bar at 7p.m. It’s a great night and isn’t horsey – it’s all general knowledge questions so is suitable for non horsey partners/family/friends as well. Tickets cost £17, which includes your quiz entry, buffet and a disco! We also hold an auction, raffle and tombola on the evening so we REALLY need members to start donating items – it’s a great way that you can support your club – tombola items should be inexpensive small things – sweets/bottles/candles e.t.c. Raffle items can be slightly higher value and then auction items are unusual or more valuable things. We will be posting a list of auction items and raffle items on our Facebook pages and even if you aren’t attending the evening you can put a proxy bid in on an auction item to Sally. Raffle tickets will be available from reception next week. Please remember that we hold one big fundraiser each year – we are a not for profit club and we need members to support these things and either donate prizes or buy raffle tickets or attend the evening. We normally raise in the region of 5 -7k at our fundraiser, so it’s a brilliant way to raise funds to buy another horse, or another fancy saddle like Henrys, or more showjumps. The funds are always spent on assets for the club, so please make sure you support it! 


We still have some space on our Easter stable management courses – there is one space on the beginner course and three spaces on the novice course. Both courses are running the first week of the kids Easter holidays this year so Monday 1st

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