Starting a new group lesson

Choosing ARC, you make one of the best decisions for your riding as we are an approved and established training centre. This will hopefully answer any questions you have about your new hobby, and also provide some information you may not have known.
Around 15 minutes before your lesson starts is ideal. This gives you time to fill in the required membership forms (if you have not already done so), and also allows you time to look around the centre and meet your new instructor.
Warm clothes! Whilst we have an indoor school, it is still chilly – particularly in the winter. Close fitting clothes are best as anything ‘flappy’ can make the horses nervous. You can wear any type of long trousers – we recommend that they are quite thick so that you don’t rub your legs on the saddle. The only safety requirements are that when riding you wear shoes with a small heel and that you have a riding hat on at all times when handling or riding the horses. Trainers are not permitted as they can be dangerous if they slip through the stirrup and we have hats available which you can collect when you arrive. It is important that you just wear what is comfortable for a start – there is no need to buy expensive gear – whilst you may want this in the future, it is not necessary for the first few weeks and can be pretty expensive.
We have a weight limit of 14½ stone so please be honest. The weight limit is for our horses’ welfare and our staff will request that you are weighed onsite if they feel you may be close to the weight limit. We are sometimes able to accommodate riders who are heavier that 14½ stone, as we have two weight carrying horses, however, this is reliant on these horses being sound and ready to work, so slightly heavier riders should contact the centre to enquire whether this is a possibility.
All lessons should be paid for on booking by cash, cheque or credit/debit card. You are best to pay for the first lesson individually, if you enjoy it then you can take advantage of one of our many discount schemes.
No – our staff will groom and tack up the horses in preparation for your lesson. A few of our staff may also be on the ground during your first lesson to lead/assist depending on numbers and ages. Prior to beginning your lesson you will be shown how to lead your horse from their stable.
Logo of the Aberdeen Riding Club featuring a stylized horse and rider above the club name

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a white colored Aberdeen City Council image logo
Logo of The British Horse Society Approved Training Centre on a red background
Logo of The British Horse Society for an Approved Riding School, red background with white text
Logo of The British Horse Society with text "Approved Livery Yard" on a red background
a white and dark gray colored RDA AM image Logo
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