April Newsletter

Well, this is certainly not the view we were expecting at the start of April! Having spent the last 5 days taking the horses rugs off as it was so warm, we were then running to put them back on when it turned to Winter again! Hopefully the last arctic blast for 2021 though!


As always, a big thank you to all our members for ensuring they stuck to the guidelines during the last period of restrictions. We know it was really disappointing for adults and teenagers to have to stop their group lessons, but hopefully, we are through the other side of it now with group lessons for those age groups now restarted. Fingers, toes and everything else crossed that the vaccine rollout continues to go well and we don’t have any big restrictions for the rest of the year, but as always we will aim to keep you all updated as much as possible through social media, website and other sources. At the moment, all types of lesson and training are permitted, however, we ask everyone to be particularly mindful of their social distancing whilst on the yard. If we want to keep riding as a permitted activity during Covid, we all have to do our bit. We remain “cashless” in reception where possible with bank transfer and contactless card payment being the best option.

We also have hand sanitiser at the door and spare masks if anyone needs them. You still need to wear a mask in reception/coffee area and avoid sitting in those areas, particularly with other people. However, you are welcome to get a coffee from the machine and sit outside or with your fellow riders after your lesson as long as you remain at a safe distance (minimum 2 metres).


As noted on the members only Facebook page, we are discounting riding school members fees this year and extending the membership year by an additional month to recognise it has been a tough time for everyone. For those of you who were existing members on 1st March 2021, membership fees for 2021/22 will be as follows:

Single – £97.50

Family – £180 (up to 2 adults and 3 children)

Our livery membership fees will remain the same as last year as liveries have had full use of the centre and facilities over the last 12 months, but again we will extend the livery membership renewal date by one month to recognise that our liveries have been really helpful in adhering to the guidelines and working to rotas e.t.c. to control footfall during lockdowns.

Membership forms will be available from reception from 1st May for you to complete and payment can be made any time during May. Payments which are late (after 1st June) will be charged at the original rate without discount. This discount is only available for existing members and new members will continue to pay the original price as the discount is our way of thanking those of you who supported your club during Covid and paid membership fees last year despite not having access to the riding school during the first lockdown. This membership discount is only possible due to the amazing support we have received from our landlords during Covid – we are massively grateful for their help and support.

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Logo of the Aberdeen Riding Club featuring a stylized horse and rider above the club name

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a white colored Aberdeen City Council image logo
Logo of The British Horse Society Approved Training Centre on a red background
Logo of The British Horse Society for an Approved Riding School, red background with white text
Logo of The British Horse Society with text "Approved Livery Yard" on a red background
a white and dark gray colored RDA AM image Logo
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